A man who catches birds with a net
Should have a long reach
Sky-windows make difficult spaces
For men with short arms.
More difficult still
For birds who know only liberty.
A jail to free you with, (to free the catcher)
A group of old men sitting quietly
Watching birds and other feathered things.
Glass and shiny excrement
A rock is more glorious
Crushing you with no regret
Its shape is elemental
A force of nature (a primary force)
But you are its disintegration
Up dear bird, fly...
silhouette - correlation
oh , I found it Jeremy! I forgot my net though but then only those who do not know that they are free- are. And maybe only those who do not know that they are alive- are. and those who do not know that they are dead...mhhh and so freedom has noring to do with captivity, eternity nothing to do with time, and infinmity nothing to do with space// hahahha! Jeremy has nothing to do with being Jeremy.