My latest book of poetry is on sale at and select Amazon countries (FR, JP, UK, DE, ES, IT). Previous volumes are available in paperback here and your local Amazon sites.


Hamm: What's happening?
Clov: Something is taking its course.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

little bird

oh time you slip away
and i can't catch my breath
as i press against this autumn chill

when the lonely bird 
finds its evening tree
and the night wind sways the
branch it calls home
she blinks the stars above
from her tear-filled eyes
and like shooting stars
they fall to the ground below
she will pass unnoticed 
she will pass unnoticed
like a dry leaf blown from its 
withered twig 

my steps beneath the
cold dark trees
a collar to the coming
winter's wind
a movement catches my eye:
a small feather swirls around
the frosty ground and passes
into the night

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

if i could drown in you

if i could drown in you
i wouldn't hold my breath
or struggle
but close my eyes and
inhale every drop of you

the water is a crystal blue tonight
and upon its surface
float two blood red roses
how perfect their last moments

this is a mystery
so profound it leaves me

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

L'avenir n'est pas un souvenir

Pachebel's canon played the day 
I watched you down the aisle 
Your smile made stars seem dim 
And the world was all promise
Imagine then if we knew 
Life would split in a hundred ways 
If heaven itself would fall 
For one of us 

New Year's Day 2025
J'ai vécu plusieurs vies
Je ne sais pas si
Tu connais les noms 
De mes enfants
Dans notre enfance
Nous avons rêvé de ces choses
-Rembobine, réfléchis-
Le futur est aussi 
Réel que le passé
Mais l'un est parti
L'autre est une promesse
À réaliser

Sunday, 29 December 2024

On the word OM

OM is fundamentally an orientation/position of profound gratitude.  

All living beings lose the essence of their life properties eventually: this is defined by the particular configuration of the atoms and molecules in their body and around them that enable life functioning.  Once this configuration (really configurations) is disrupted, the descending OM begins.

The beginning of the OM is of course the first moments of existence, i.e. the particular configuration manifested in the post-contact reality of egg and sperm, pollen and germ cell.  Note, this says absolutely nothing at all about the moral status of such a configuration, merely that this is the first utterance of the OM.  This is true of every living being.  

Taken from The Treatise on Other Spiritual Wisdom, Gilla Artenis

Friday, 29 November 2024

sleep beneath the foam blown waves

sleep beneath the

foam blown waves that 

crash against the ancient shore 

soon I'll be no more 

for by the ocean all things 

turn to mist and 

drift away 

no more day or

endless starry night

no more the lover’s

lamp beside the bed 

for I will shed this 

mortal flesh 

for truer sight and 

deepest night 

where even gods receive 

a perfect rest 

beneath the foam blown waves 

Monday, 25 November 2024

the devil is in the details

 The devil is in the details...

poor innocent E and A

they knew the rules and they did it anyway
they stole the thing that would have 
set them free
"we were misled!"
willfully self-directed
"we didn't know"
you were told with adamantium tongue and
impossibly clear crystalline words
the way of things

millions of consequences
billions of hurtling lives 
down the garbage shoot of a
trillion cities

these are the consequences liars!

Saturday, 26 October 2024

I promised

I promised in the last life  
I'd find her in the next 
An age went by 
And cities fell 
While worlds were turned to ash 
Before she came and grew 
And I was born and knew 
The person standing there
was you 

Every death creates a veil 
Obscuring reborn sight 
Until the sacred moment 
(often late into the night) 
The inner eye is opened 
And you see things as they are 
How bright you've shone 
To reach this eye, 
How far…

Friday, 23 August 2024


you are mirrored 
of each other, 
and it's love 
the bliss of love, 
the intensity of it a
cosmic rip in 

when will destiny be
and the sighing days
cease to 

Sunday, 18 August 2024

if i waited

this whole life i've waited
for the jewel of my soul, 
and she is it and doesn't know, 
and another thinks she is, 
and another grows very curious,
another lends her ear, 
and another married a cruel, stupid man, 
still another wants to run away

my life and reason with a smile that 
could break the blazing sky,
where in the world do you 
keep your quiet home? 
will i be a gray and tired man
before the day? 

Sunday, 4 August 2024

I saw her

i lay no claim to her
and life itself cannot own
her passing
for she lives a deeper magic
untouched by any common 
but... i'd like to think
i've seen her with my
patient eyes 
sharpened by the northern wind, 
Middle Eastern suns, 
and jungles of infinite green, 
there beneath the 
lightbulb in my kitchen 
saw her. 
how was it possible? 
i was ready...

Monday, 10 June 2024

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

stranger than fiction

"Reality is stranger than fiction," she said. 
I turned it over for a second. 
"What if reality IS fiction?" I muttered. 
"Like we're living in a simulation or something?"
"Well there's that too." I sipped my tea carefully before continuing. "Chuang-tze once had a dream he was a butterfly, and upon waking he was no longer sure whether he was Chuang-tze dreaming of being a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming of being Chuang-tze." I paused again for more tea, but before I could continue she cut me off. 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" 
"What do you think it means?" 
"No no I'm not falling for that." She crossed her arms. "You tell me. You brought it up." 
"It means you think you're listening to me speak but maybe you're just having a dream about listening to me speak.  And if you're having a dream, then it's not even me speaking, but you, since it's your dream and your brain is creating the whole thing."
"That is totally not what that story meant."
"What do I know I'm just a voice in your head," I shrugged. 
"Why do I even bother talking to you?" She sounded exasperated. 
"Who else are you going to talk to?" 
"If this is all in my head I could literally talk to anyone I wanted." 
"Now you've got it," I said. 

Friday, 17 May 2024


I have been touched by the gods
or the universe 
whatever that profound space is 
both inside and outside my head
and am somewhat mad
at least i think so 
but i ask myself, am i truly
going mad? 
or is everyone else who plods along 
like nothing remarkable is 
taking place, 
are they the ones who are mad? 
so these either are the writings of a madman 
or the diary of one of the few 
sane people on earth, 
even time itself won't tell 

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Midnight in the back of my car

Midnight. In the back of my car we made love until we were dripping like the foggy windows. Then the thing all back seat lovers fear: the knock at the window.

It was her mother. How she found us down that dead-end road in the middle of the night is still a mystery to me, but she did, with that supernatural radar mothers have. The knock. The knock that threw us into motion like thieves caught in the act. What were we stealing? 

She got dressed faster than me and stormed out of the car to confront her mother. As I pulled my clothes on I heard them yelling at each other. I was impressed by her ferocity. I'd be sheepish. I was caught fair and square. What right would I have to put up a fight?

She came back and told me she had to go. She told me everything was ok and she'd call me soon. They drove away and I turned my defrost on full so I could see. I was that guy, wasn't I?  The ones parents fear.

There was a difference, I told myself. I actually loved her. I didn't know what the hell I was doing but I loved her. The drive was 30 minutes through the hills and trees and I turned the whole thing over in my mind. When I got home I slipped in through the bedroom window so I wouldn't wake my family. 

As sleep came to me I thought about the water running down the inside of my car window and her hand pressed against it while we made love, in the same spot her mother put her hand when she knocked... 

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

promise me

promise me
you'll find the beauty 
in our world
when my eyes
no longer see 
promise me 
you'll have vision 
for the two of us 
i, looking 
through you
in this moment of
pure existence 
graced moment of 
divine sight 
let light fill 
our body
in the presence of 
this passionate 
i am always with you 
if you have eyes 
to see