My latest book of poetry is on sale at and select Amazon countries (FR, JP, UK, DE, ES, IT). Previous volumes are available in paperback here and your local Amazon sites.


Hamm: What's happening?
Clov: Something is taking its course.

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Sweeping days

What if the sweeping days
Were gods 
And existence their 
Cries and laughter? 
I will be the joy or
Sadness of angelic Host 
Their sighing and 
Their smile 
I will be their death and 
A divine gift 
Formed by the word 
To take this life and make 
It so 
To rush and stream 
Toward undying light 

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Greater things

There are greater things than the 
Idea of your gods
For gods can never know the 
Friendship of wanderers or the 
Sky-eyed host of grasstreaders, 
Oceangazers, treetouchers 
But that was the test wasn't it? 
God is:
"That than which nothing
Greater can be conceived" 
But I can conceive it 
And its conception fills me like a 
Star-lapping wave, 
With a truth that didn't come 
From a book, 
It surpasses the paper gods, 
It is greater by a green mile, 
By a host of singing lights 
That illuminate my heart, 
It is the love of a dear friend that 
Shares the long road and 
Sheds my tears 
The sunlight through the trees
Upon the infant's pure eye, 
The space between our 
Longing and Eternity, 
Present at every moment
For those with 
Eyes to see, 
Good hearts, 
Faces turned toward the 
Rising lands and waters 

Saturday, 8 October 2022


What double filament link binds
my soul to you?
Catapulted through the centuries 
Like a cannonball 
Through a dark corridor.
This Fall is cold 
Without you... 

Sunday, 2 October 2022

oh sacred month

oh sacred month
as old as tree and 
mountain stone 
let Nature's face
glow within our 
blood-red hearts 
the blood first spilled 
upon an autumn rock 
and spattered on the
yellow leaves of Fall 
we are their children and
will dance 
within the glowing 
what god would dare to
take the Name? 
not Perseph or Hest
Demeter or Saraswati
there is one 
and I beneath the oak 
embrace her

Saturday, 17 September 2022

There will be a reckoning

There will be a reckoning
For these thunderous 
Seeds we have planted in the 
Deep dark earth between us 
When this green sprout reaches 
To the crackling heavens 
Will the sky not be split in
Will time not disappear and 
Moment's breath cease at the 
Coming of the thousand-leafed 
Wonder we have birthed?
Is there enough sky to contain it? 

Saturday, 20 August 2022


at our meeting
the vision of you 
swept me away
and i will never 
live as much 
as in that  

how intensely the 
sky burns above us 
how the 
burning the stars 
and the premonition of
destinies touching 

here beside the quiet tree 
i wait for your 
streaming eyes 
oh darling vision 
memory's shimmering 

Thursday, 4 August 2022

a moment to share (lament)

a moment to share the
dazzling beauty of earth
traces of the sublime in
your eyes
please just a moment from
busy days and lists of tasks
eternity in some time
it's too much to ask on
days like these
days i walk through trees and
flowering fields
while the promise of summer
storms pushes wind through my
long hair and around 
blue eyes
scent of wildflowers in 
nostrils hungry for something 
real and fresh
why are we at such odds?
has complacency replaced the
ever-present moment?
will you chase a list into the
time will see us out the
flashing frame of life
but can it be together?

Thursday, 28 July 2022

when words fail

when words fail to describe the beauty in my eye, i can only show you what i see, with hands, gentle touch, a presence there upon the grassy slope by wine dark water.

but there are things i cannot show you, divine, sacred, revealed out of themselves, upon those grassy slopes by wine dark waters.

one night not far from the dancing ground, in a little green tent upon the moonlit hill, i heard the song of two women humming like cicadas, drawing me up into a light, until coyote broke my will and drew me back to earth.  

goodbye sisters, goodbye light, coyote laughing in the night, but i love him all the more for it.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

a night of revelry

a night of revelry 
laughter, flashing eyes
clinking glass
fire in our bellies
then fade the setting summer sun
fade the waking eye to
dream upon a dream

hello dawn with 
sandy throat
encrusted bloodshot eye
footstep like a 
pebble in a shoe
"the morning after" 
heavy as a leather jacket

tonight's new party
a farewell to friends
pour the blood-red wine
bringer of jollity and
open doors
the never-ending
celebration of life
before the passage of
another day

Sunday, 12 June 2022

we must go on

we must go on
through loss of present things
carried by the wake of
my god has it been a year
since your smiling face
vanished from the earth?
has the sky seen such
vaulting joy?
in my mind's eye
your face floats before my own
pale but smiling
gazing with
Buddha serenity
but i cannot mirror this
not yet
and i fear dear cousin
not ever

Tuesday, 7 June 2022


"it's all a distraction"
she said, 
"to forget your mortality" 
"hm hm," i nodded, "go on" 
"the shows, the video games, 
and from the beginning of time, 
sporting events,
to distract us from 
the main event" 
"our own death, you mean?"
(i was getting into it) 
"yes yes, and we all 
fell for it" her eyes were 
on fire
or was it the candle light 
reflected in them 
"so we reach the end of life" 
she continued
"without ever really living" 
i sat up, "wait, you mean 
without ever thinking about 
our own death" 
she broke out in that ridiculously
beautiful smile she has 
"can't you see? you can 
never really live until 
you've seen your death" 
"seen it?" 
"yup, face to face, 
felt its cold breath 
against your skin" 
i scratched my head
"seems traumatizing" i muttered 
"yes absolutely, but then 
life can become totally life
it's a paradox.."
her voice trailed away 
the fire in her eyes faded 
i think a part of me 
experienced a death just then. 
later as i drove home 
it started to rain 
i turned the radio off so
I could hear the raindrops 
patter against my car 
"it's a paradox.. " i murmured 
a paradox 

Friday, 3 June 2022

so long since wind

so long since wind
along the rocky shore 
blew tossing wave and
goddess hair against
this wandering body 
today in shimmering 
vision i caught a glimpse of
old things 
still green in memory's 
golden eye 
there across the chasmed
darkness: vision flew. 
a passerby 
consumed by present things 
stumbled by the path 
"turn your face" i yelled 
but on they plodded
undisturbed in 
electromagnet sphere 
and i, i watched the phantom 
fade away 
how old i must be 
to view this with 


Monday, 30 May 2022

motorcycle narcissus

how desperately she looked
at me 
consumed by her feelings 
but I wasn't there
I forgot to be present 
my damned motorcycle
wouldn't start
I turned it over and over 
in my stupid mind
carburetor, regulator,
vaccuum leak? 
"yes" I nodded to 
a question she asked
but I didn't hear 
"yes, hmm, yes"
her hands were reaching out 
I took them
ashamed of my thoughts 
"my husband wants a divorce" 
"yes that's going around" I said 
"oh nothing," I purred
it's always this with her 
the ever impending 
she'll talk about him
for the next hour 
we used to be more than 
these conversations 
we were something 
I look into her eyes 
to find the old truth 
I'll see her soul I gaze 
so deep 
but her eyes are mirrors
I see myself
I see my spark plugs 
I can't look away 
damn-it I'll need to 
take the carburetor off 

Monday, 23 May 2022

this is your going

this is your going
without a consummation 
with an eye on jesus
from hot blood and 
nature's force 
with a whimper 
green wood to dust 
driven by the lunatic 
dream of money 
but we will both 
grow old regardless 
time chiseled on our 
twin faces
i cannot betray the 
original impulse 
(no matter how far 
the steel-cold distance) 
given like a falling star 
cradled as an ember 
in these hands 
that knew you 

Thursday, 12 May 2022

i still see her

i still see her wind blown hair

there beside the sunny water

before the world was hustle bustle

there was green grass and 

golden summer halos 

around our tossing heads

she said, "what if life is all a circle?"

which made me smile

because here i was

but what could i say

that life's a mystery?

she licked her lips and

suddenly i didn't care

if life's a circle or a square

what mattered was

she was there

with sky in her perfect eyes

when she looked at me

Thursday, 5 May 2022

on the last day of forever

on the last day of forever
the dark trees shuffle 
against a purple evening sky, 
"soon you'll die
soon you'll die" 
the needled forest 
sang in chorus 
"soon you'll die" 
and i was snug inside 
my rain-pattered car 
far from a hard-shelled road 
as mist filled the silent space 
outside my window 
I dreamed of her 
so far away
on the last day of forever

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

slip away

slip away
between the crashing green
where mountains rise
today's eye unseeing
dull from screens and 
to meet in truth
naked before each day
before the other
to gaze at stars and 
heavenly bodies
wonder-filled and 
possibility heavy
walk beneath a
canopied sky of
stars and glowing flesh
creating worlds like
ancient gods
birthing with
eternal passion
fashioning limbs
and breasts
with loving clay
i will not say 
their name
before i breathe
upon their lips

Sunday, 24 April 2022

how long

how long
will you be away
without a thought 
slipped between the 
thinnest sheets of paper 
a treasure for my
rainy day 
you said you'd be back
but not like this
a whisper on a 
Sunday night
it's spring again 
with only
an idea of you 

Friday, 15 April 2022

do not fall in love

do not fall in love
with a child of the past
nor sell your heart to
a memory 
can you see? 
will you live? 
the great rushing 
belongs to you! 
can time be a friend 
or must vision
shimmer like a vapour
silent, faded 
withered up and dry, 
cracked like a forgotten 
boy's bones
alone and empty 
among the old 
men's tombs 
on which the sun 
casts a shadow

Monday, 28 March 2022

if i could fall

Original artist: Pragmatica

if i could fall
into the deepest pools
of darkest night
scattered by the
sacred lights
to see them cross your 
haunting face
would i not race to 
water's edge
and fall forever
with you
through the gazing tunnel
to shining 
diamond-covered trees
where sacred birds
and beings dwell
i will not tell
our many-whispered secrets
or pluck the Raven's feather
by the midnight water
oh child of earth and sky

Sunday, 20 February 2022

when the moment

when the moment
lives beyond itself 
we vibrate at the
frequency of eternity
infinite in presence, 
essence, spirit 
one with each other's 
shining faces 
such graces only 
angels know 
who glow in 
heaven's light 
and we share that 
when the moment 
lives beyond itself 
when we pause and see
the other's beauty 
written in the 
rising time and 
read within two hearts
the focal point of

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

we swam in stars

we swam in stars
along the rocky shore
and looking saw
so much more
than galaxies in
an endless sky
in our eyes
we saw possibility

remember breathless
night beneath the canopy
beneath a warm embrace
our hearts raced to
be one
we fell forever
into memory

Sunday, 6 February 2022


smash against ego
obscure horizon
glowing sun

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

time will lift us

snowflakes in the wind
never back here again
and time will lift us
higher than the sky
to soar, to die, goodbye

they're all fictions
these escapes
scraped together dictions
sustain us in the night
secretly fighting

to live just once
upon the grassy plain
to strain against the
brightest yellow sun
ah life embodied
sweep me with your 
starry eye
to soar, to die, goodbye

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

what you are given (more a diatribe than a poem)

what you are given is not the Way
but it is your mother's or father's
a church, mosque, or synagogue's
a culture and an era
who in turn received it from another
there is no "way" but the Way
the philosopher was right to say
it cannot be named
but this is inconvenient
so we grasp our little "ways"
and perish never having 
known it
except in briefly flashing
moments of illumination