My latest book of poetry is on sale at and select Amazon countries (FR, JP, UK, DE, ES, IT). Previous volumes are available in paperback here and your local Amazon sites.


Hamm: What's happening?
Clov: Something is taking its course.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

a night of revelry

a night of revelry 
laughter, flashing eyes
clinking glass
fire in our bellies
then fade the setting summer sun
fade the waking eye to
dream upon a dream

hello dawn with 
sandy throat
encrusted bloodshot eye
footstep like a 
pebble in a shoe
"the morning after" 
heavy as a leather jacket

tonight's new party
a farewell to friends
pour the blood-red wine
bringer of jollity and
open doors
the never-ending
celebration of life
before the passage of
another day

Sunday, 12 June 2022

we must go on

we must go on
through loss of present things
carried by the wake of
my god has it been a year
since your smiling face
vanished from the earth?
has the sky seen such
vaulting joy?
in my mind's eye
your face floats before my own
pale but smiling
gazing with
Buddha serenity
but i cannot mirror this
not yet
and i fear dear cousin
not ever

Tuesday, 7 June 2022


"it's all a distraction"
she said, 
"to forget your mortality" 
"hm hm," i nodded, "go on" 
"the shows, the video games, 
and from the beginning of time, 
sporting events,
to distract us from 
the main event" 
"our own death, you mean?"
(i was getting into it) 
"yes yes, and we all 
fell for it" her eyes were 
on fire
or was it the candle light 
reflected in them 
"so we reach the end of life" 
she continued
"without ever really living" 
i sat up, "wait, you mean 
without ever thinking about 
our own death" 
she broke out in that ridiculously
beautiful smile she has 
"can't you see? you can 
never really live until 
you've seen your death" 
"seen it?" 
"yup, face to face, 
felt its cold breath 
against your skin" 
i scratched my head
"seems traumatizing" i muttered 
"yes absolutely, but then 
life can become totally life
it's a paradox.."
her voice trailed away 
the fire in her eyes faded 
i think a part of me 
experienced a death just then. 
later as i drove home 
it started to rain 
i turned the radio off so
I could hear the raindrops 
patter against my car 
"it's a paradox.. " i murmured 
a paradox 

Friday, 3 June 2022

so long since wind

so long since wind
along the rocky shore 
blew tossing wave and
goddess hair against
this wandering body 
today in shimmering 
vision i caught a glimpse of
old things 
still green in memory's 
golden eye 
there across the chasmed
darkness: vision flew. 
a passerby 
consumed by present things 
stumbled by the path 
"turn your face" i yelled 
but on they plodded
undisturbed in 
electromagnet sphere 
and i, i watched the phantom 
fade away 
how old i must be 
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