My latest book of poetry is on sale at and select Amazon countries (FR, JP, UK, DE, ES, IT). Previous volumes are available in paperback here and your local Amazon sites.


Hamm: What's happening?
Clov: Something is taking its course.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

L'avenir n'est pas un souvenir

Pachebel's canon played the day 
I watched you down the aisle 
Your smile made stars seem dim 
And the world was all promise
Imagine then if we knew 
Life would split in a hundred ways 
If heaven itself would fall 
For one of us 

New Year's Day 2025
J'ai vécu plusieurs vies
Je ne sais pas si
Tu connais les noms 
De mes enfants
Dans notre enfance
Nous avons rêvé de ces choses
-Rembobine, réfléchis-
Le futur est aussi 
Réel que le passé
Mais l'un est parti
L'autre est une promesse
À réaliser

Sunday, 29 December 2024

On the word OM

OM is fundamentally an orientation/position of profound gratitude.  

All living beings lose the essence of their life properties eventually: this is defined by the particular configuration of the atoms and molecules in their body and around them that enable life functioning.  Once this configuration (really configurations) is disrupted, the descending OM begins.

The beginning of the OM is of course the first moments of existence, i.e. the particular configuration manifested in the post-contact reality of egg and sperm, pollen and germ cell.  Note, this says absolutely nothing at all about the moral status of such a configuration, merely that this is the first utterance of the OM.  This is true of every living being.  

Taken from The Treatise on Other Spiritual Wisdom, Gilla Artenis